good points,, when I am a little shook,, and there is brush involved,, and having to pick a spot to pick a shot,,
the closer the better for me,, its just not like shooting a 3 d target,, I know its been said may times,, but I think it will work in your bennefit,, most the time to cut a few yards off what you think your effective range is,, if you hit every deer perfect at that closer range, then of course extend it a bit and try again at the new bench mark,, kind of like no set tiller,,

I had a dog that was a great tracker,, and she taught me alot,, I went on some pretty grueling trails with her on deer that were really hit pretty good,, or it looked good on paper,, and lost some even with her nose,, so I guess I am just more careful than when I first started out,,,the more I hunted, it was not uncommon for me to sneak out after a shot, and follow up much later just in case,,even though I wanted to look for blood right now,,, patience is key in shot selection and follow up as well,, even if it started to rain,, my good friend Jerry Simmons used to tell me ,, if its dead it will be there even if you wait,, if you jump it in the rain,, game over,,