To answer your question, loon, no.
nyes? no what? the card scraper sharpening?
i figured, the scrapes are rather fluffy
meh i'll just get a spokeshave and try a paint scraper sharpened. are they sharpened the same as card scrapers?? they seem too bendy to push through wood... so i guess they would be pulled, just like card scrapers. maybe i should just make a handle for a card scraper
and eventually a hatchet. or a machete.. that could double as a drawknife :p
A machete actually sounds like it could be better than an axe, more controllable?
seems like a large gouge could be perfect for making tepeliks concave, and maybe for hld (concave belly) bows
current tools: shinto rasp, gyokucho razor saw (could work for roughing out, may be slower than hatchet/machete though), chisels, card scrapers, drill, vise.. and (edit) a rounded rasp, tekton

it took forever to make the tepelik surface concave with this rasp, probably because it is a curved surface and fir is ridiculously hard, should've used pine