If you have a kitchen scale, switch it to reading in metric (grams) and weigh the wood. Write it in pencil on the wood, wait 48 hours, weigh it again. Any change? If so, keep tracking the weight on the stave until it is pretty much done wobbling about up or down.
Hickory in Hawaii is likely to be a bit sluggish. From what I gather from secondhand information, it is rather tropical and humid in your part of the country. Hickory has an almost fiendish love of absorbing humidity and reducing it's performance. But so what. It will still make a bow and when (not if, this is the military we are talking about) you get transferred to another duty station it might be really dry and the bow will suddenly become a ballistic missile launcher.
Now, post a photo of the stave when you can and we will commence to providing you all kinds of contradictory instructions and opinions, sure to make you feel like you are back in boot camp and have done something epic stupid.