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I'm not up on the definitions of the classes but I take it that the Primitive Complex Composite class would be the correct one to enter a Turkish hornbow into?

Yes, a Turkish type horn bow fits in complex composite, but if shot with a siper overdraw and thumb ring, then it can be shot as a "Turkish".

Self: bow limb made from single piece or billets spliced at the handle.  Tip overlays less than 2" long are allowed.

Simple Composite: Simple backed bows, or sinew backed self bow fits here. Limb construction is no more than two laminations.

Complex Composite:  Any combinations of natural materials. No metal or metal fasteners allowed however. Non-mechanical releases okay as long as made from natural materials and/or metal (no plastics). Metal is only allowed for the release device and arrow points.

Turkish: Must be shot with a thumb ring and siper overdraw.


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