As a few of you know I work a lot with T.V. and movie studios with just about anything Native American or the Medieval Fantasy type stuff. On October 2nd HBO will finally be premiering West World. I made the bows, arrows and quivers for the Ghost Tribe in this series. I also made the stone knives featuring blades chipped out by our very own Stringman!!!!! So lets show him some love for his onscreen debut!
The release date is special for me because it's also my birthday. Since I'll be at a show that weekend I'll be taping the premier to watch the next day when I'm hopefully not too exhausted.
I'm also posting this because HBO is notorious for not crediting vendors. I saved all their emails in case they want to make an issue of it. I'm also still waiting for the promotional posters I was promised. (Don't worry Scott, when/if they come in one is definitely yours!!)
Anyone that is able, please watch it and let me know what you think. Lots of big names and the production value looks great!!