I retired at mid day today!!! I had a nice send off meal at a local pub (8 of us including Mrs Cat), a bottle of Prosecco, a voucher for a meal at a fancy restaurant for Mrs Cat and me and a wad of cash to spend on a treat.
I'd said to the boss, I didn't want a lot of fuss and he judged it just right.
He said a few words and I felt my 18 years there were really appreciated, although he did mention how they tried to keep me away from delicate customers who didn't always appreciate my blunt honesty
40 years in electronics is a long time, not computers of mobile phones when I started and ICs were a rarity!
Now if only I had an interesting hobby to fill the time
(My normal retirement date would have been over the Christmas break, I felt it was good to go at this time of year while there is still some fruit on the trees and a bit of sunshine)