It has become my mission in the hobbie to make self bows of the same length ntn, same draw weight and same draw length as horn bows while achieving the same kenetic energy. In the arrow. I believe it can be done and will be covering everything from flight bows to war bows. I will be recreating in a self bow the brace and full draw profile as best as I can of each style.
I dont plan on building any horn bow style I cant get stats on such as ntn length, draw weight and length, and fps of what grain arrow. Fd charts would also be nice. So, if you have a horn bow, and want to help me out, I would love all that information as well as brace and full draw pics.
My wood of choice will be osage, only because it heat bends so well. I think other woods such as elm would be more suited but, availability and workability come in play.
I will be posting links here to the threads I build them on so the bows are all easily referenced and found. I hope thats ok?