Ok, here are some pics... notice how the upper limb has a bit less reflex then the lower. I had a bit of de-lamination and I didn`t pay attantion to it and drew the bow- BAD IDEA. Anyway... I wraped it with FG cloth and epoxy (I know Iknow... not primitive. But it`s the best thing I had at the moment). The tiller is far from perfect, I made some improvments lately, causing a 3# drop in draw waight.

So, back to my question- what will be the best design improvments I can make in my NEXT BBI longbow?
And, If I want to make a tri-lam- mulberry belly, ipe core, boo back (I`ve read a few years back that Adam [a.k.a adb] made great shooting bows with osage belly, ipe core and hickory back)- will I get good performens?