So... here I am, just got bit by the bowyery bug, might have a chance to start working my first stave in the next couple of weeks. I've figured out how to get around a bunch of different obstacles thrown up by my crazy-tight budget, and then it hits me: I can build a bow, but what am I going to shoot from it!? I've tracked down all four volumes of the TBB at my local library, YAY! (and it's on the ol' amazon wish list, but we'll see about that), but I haven't run across a lot of details on building the shafts themselves (or maybe I just haven't hit the right chapter yet?).
Can you guys make recommendations on information resources for getting started in fletchery?
Does it require any more specialized equipment than bowyery?
Is it feasible to make my own spine tester, or do I need to just bite the bullet and buy one?
Ultimate question: How likely is it to be more economical in the long run to make my own arrows vs buying shafts at the archery shop?