I am not aware of a "formula" that can be cited to help you out, but you could easily do that with a piece of graph paper and bow testing with a chrony.
I am not suggesting that you undertake a survey and test project, but simply a way to record the specs of any bows that you make for your future reference.
If you plot velocity vs grains of arrow weight of a particular bow, yoiu should see a curve develop, that flattens on one end as the efficiency drops off. A bow with a different draw weight (but the same efficiency), plotted on the same piece of paper, will have a similar shaped curve alongside the first.
using the above example of plotting velocity vs arrow weight, will show differences of efficiency with differently shaped curves.
Plotting different metrics may give more easily comparable graphs. An possibility might be to plot grains/pound vs something else?
we often see force draw curves shown to "illustrate" a bows early draw weight and stacking, so why not a second curve to show how the energy is released?