So my old friend and fellow new bowyer had a weekend of bowmaking.
We had fun and got more education than we were looking for. We were both working with some red oak boards we found.
Mine is in the front in the picture. It was 69" ntn, pyramid design with limbs 1.75" tapering to .6". I thought I could get away with this undersize board by shooting for low weight, 25# was my target. Tillering this bow it was trying to tell me something for sure. The limbs started to take a lot of set, and at 24" the bow was looking like it was done. I probably should have left it there and made some short arrows for it, or maybe I could have shortened down the handle to get sn additional inch working on each limb. But I decided I'd like to keep pushing my luck, I didn't want a 24" draw bow particularly.
So I kept tillering out to 26"... It's okay. I decided I can live with that so I pull an extra inch for a safety factor and got the dreaded TICK TICK sound. Lo and behold a tiny crack on the back corner near the handle. The crack is on the edge of the bow so I think maybe it's a long shot but lets try shaving it out, and rounding off the edge of the bow on the belly to relieve the stress. I also soaked some superglue and wrapped with thread just from desperation.
No dice... Pulled to 27" again and went boom. At least I was expecting it. It wasn't as demoralizing as i was worried breaking a bow would be. That being said I think I will skip home depot oak and go out this week to a specialty wood warehouse near my work and spring for a hickory board or one of their bow staves.
Either that or try to get my hands on a band saw and work on some maple billets I collected in February