well fellas, I managed to get a couple of "sets" done. This is the first one to post up.
Bow is 47" ironwood, and a replica of a Bodewadmi (Potawatomi) scalloped bow down to the scallop colors. The onlky difference is that this bow is shorter than the 54" original. The bow draws 46/47# @ 25"......the string is single ply deer raw-hide. Finish is pitch/grease/wax.
Bow case, quiver, bandolier and pendant are river otter (thank you Don Burchett and Gutshot he got the tan down perfect for my specs and made the whole job easier) I wanted to pay tribute to "Mediwewin" so all the material and decoration is of non-white type. The skin side of the strap, quiver rim, and pendant are oxide and hide glue.
The small scraps of otter hide I made a belt sheath for a matching skinner/ scalper. The knife is antler grip and the blade is Wyoming Oil Chert (very hard) made by Mr.Dan Hamblin. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Supposed to have a nephew come over tomorrow to get some full draw pics for me.
Whole bunch of pics....hope not too many. I also hope to flight shoot the bow tomorrow as well.