"just as well as I read it can be seen as disrespectful of Iroquois
culture/medicine,Just discovered this myself so I thought I'd mention it."

The one I made is most likely Iroquois related.
I hope the tear on it's cheek will void the copy rights.
I built my house on a Indian camp site, so I don't need any bad mo-jo.
Thanks for the info Ruddy. I will dig into it. I can see why that
particular mask is memorable.
Thanks Rog,

Glad you like playing in the mud too.
Some photos would be great.
I recently did one with grass fiber but I fired it in the kiln
since I only had one pot ready. It's very delicate and came
out pretty nice and light weight. Err except for the dorky face.

But that's how they did them on the upper Delaware River.