Bill, there is a big difference between hill cane and river cane. River cane is the largest of the native canes reaching 15' or more tall and about 3/4" to 1" at the base. Hill cane only grows about 6' to 7' and maybe 1/2" at the most. Hill cane is similar to switch cane which grows as tall as hill cane and about the same diameter. Hill cane has thicker walls and a smaller diameter hole in the center than switch cane. River cane has a large hole in the center with relatively thinner walls. River cane has very pronounced nodes, switch cane isn't as pronounced and hill cane is less than that. The sulcus (indentation above the node) is very pronounced with river cane, not so much for switch cane and almost non-existent with hill cane. Finally, hill cane is the only native cane that is deciduous, loosing their leaves each winter.