I have used titebond hide glue a lot in furniture making and had a lot of fresh glue in my shop so when I wanted to make a sinew bow I decided to use it I have made 2 bows with it and have no problems ,when I read TBB I know they had isues ,but after 40 years of using liquid hide glue I immediately knew they were using ex spired hide glue it does have a shelf life like Dean says in his article but it's realy easy to know you got bad glue it will smell like rotten raw chicken that's been in the sun , it will usually take about 3 hrs at room tempreture to start to jell after about 2 days all the retardant will be gone & it cures like normal , I noticed also in TBB composite bow chapter it recommends it so it was confusing to me but I just went with my past exsperience , on the bow I'm working on now I'm going to try the traditional hot pot glue to see if there's much of a difference ,if you do decide to use Titebond hide glue it does have a exasperation date on it so if you get it online check with the supplier about that Good luck with what ever glue you use.