Well not to rub it in but...I plan on taking a bow elk hunting this fall that John Strunk gave, yes I said GAVE to me. I've become good friends with John lately and for some reason he just handed me this bow and told me "here's one for your collection." I practically cried.

It's a Vine Maple Flatbow, ~58" ntn, and about 65-70# @ 26". It has +1" of natural reflex and is by far the most efficient bow I have ever shot. It shoots a 660 grain hickory arrow about 150 fps; plenty good for an elk even out to 30 yards.
So...although I have never attempted to use a selfbow on elk, I will certainly try this fall.
Best of luck to everyone!
Ps. John made that bow with a hatchet & pocket knife and stained it with charcoal.