Been making some leather archery supplies, mostly out of scrap, to save a little bit of cash and for some fun projects.
Here's the first one, almost done in these photos is a leather archery glove. I did spring for a piece of glove tan leather for this one and I don't regret it. After making this one the wife liked it so much she needed one too, so we spent saturday morning sewing another one before we went out shooting.

I couldn't reall be bothered with working out a pattern in advance, so I made each finger individually so I could adjust and fit the lengths when I attached them to the glove.

I made the buckle strap and the back and laced them together, and then used a bit of glue to fit each finger in place while I sewed them up. Since then I added some rivets for extra reinforcement and to make it look more badass. The wife's has way more rivets because she was getting impatient to hit the range/bored of sewing.

End result is well fitted to our hands, and pretty comfy! The fingers have a single piece of leather looped around the inside and sewn at the base, so as they stretch/wear or heavier bows are used we should be able to easily add additional layers of padding to them.

Definitely learned a lot doing this one, and there is 2/3 of a piece of glove tan in the project box for future crafting.