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Offline BrianS

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Started writing down my memories
« on: August 02, 2016, 03:50:51 pm »
Even though I do not want to admit it, I am getting old. I started writing down memorable stories about things that have happened at the cabin over the past 60 years. Each short story is written in my own words (I am not the best writer by any stretch). Each story has no real connection to the other stories other than they happened at the cabin. Most are about simple things. I have some hunting stories included also ( some about successful hunts and others about unsuccessful hunts). They are just random stories and follow no pattern. My hope is that when they are all put together the stories paint a picture of the cabin and property. I have several written (18) so far and plan on adding more as my free time permits. My goal with writing down the memories is not based on ego or anything like that. My goal is to pass on the stories to my grandson one day when I am gone. He is still young and if I were to tell the stories to him verbally, chances are they will be forgotten by him or will be distorted with time. I hope when he gets older he can continue with the tradition and some day have stories of his own to share.

Offline Del the cat

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    • Derek Hutchison Native Wood Self Bows
Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2016, 03:57:38 pm »
That's cool.
Writing has it's own joy and it's V good exercise for the memory. It will be a good aide memoir for you too.
I find bits on my Bowyers Diary that I had forgotten about, and some anecdotes would get lost if you didn't write 'em down.
I'd like to read 'em too, 'cos they will be about a life and experiences that I don't see this this side of the pond.
Kudos to yo
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Offline BrianS

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2016, 05:00:00 pm »
Thank you for the kind words. I have enjoyed this little project and would encourage others to do something similar.
The collection of memories range from old Jeeps, wood stoves, guns, bows,hunting, fishing, things breaking and backwoods repairs, trees, cricks, canoes to development and so called progress. I have several others in my head that still need to be recorded down for my Grandson. Here are some of the titles of the short stories so far. Please note that the title may or may not be obvious to what the story is about
The Trail Marker Tree
Ithica Model 49
The cricks of Poverty Hill
The Turkey Shoots
The Birdwalk Canoe race
Twenty below
The deer that came with a drag rope
The cantakeous water pump
Thought I was alone
Mighty mouse
What's the worse that can happen?
First deer
Daffy duck
Turkey hunting with (Famous TV star whose name I have left out for this post)
Tree stand nicknames
We were here first
The woods of Poverty Hill
The upper and lower cabins
Neighbors of note

Offline Knoll

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2016, 05:38:02 pm »
As a fellow "older feller", I admire you for taking the time to embark on such an effort. Your family will treasure this forever!
... alone in distant woods or fields, in unpretending sproutlands or pastures tracked by rabbits, even in a bleak and, to most, cheerless day .... .  I suppose that this value, in my case, is equivalent to what others get by churchgoing & prayer.  Hank Thoreau, 1857

Offline Outbackbob48

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2016, 08:02:39 pm »
Nice, "The Storyteller"  ;D

Offline bjrogg

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2016, 09:55:38 pm »
I think that's a great idea. In my dads family Alzthymer is scary common. I would have loved to read my grandfathers memories. I think you should tell them your stories even if their to young to remember, when they read the stories they might remember you telling them.
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Offline mullet

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2016, 10:00:12 pm »
That is cool! I have the hand written account my Grandmother wrote When she was very young,  when her family moved from Indiana to Florida in an old Model T truck my Great grandfather built a house on the back with a wood burning stove. The account she told about crossing cable wooden bridges through the Okeefeenokee Swamp that would disappear under water was amazing. Someone had to walk in front with a stick and poke for wood to make sure they weren't driving off of the side. The whole account with pictures is now in the Florida State Natural History Museum along with the interview AAA did with her when she was in her early 90's. And I have the original manuscript. ;D It's priceless.

I commend you for doing this. Your family will cherish reading and sharing your memories forever and hopefully your Grandson will enjoy what we all do in the woods.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Knoll

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2016, 11:13:54 pm »
... you should tell them your stories even if they're too young to remember, when they read the stories they might remember you telling them.

great idea!
... alone in distant woods or fields, in unpretending sproutlands or pastures tracked by rabbits, even in a bleak and, to most, cheerless day .... .  I suppose that this value, in my case, is equivalent to what others get by churchgoing & prayer.  Hank Thoreau, 1857

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2016, 04:11:01 am »
Those titles sound great :).
If you are into the web and stuff (which you must be to some extent to be on here) it may be worth publishing them for kindle... it's not to hard (there are guides on how to do i, using MS Word) doesn't cost and you could make 'em available free or a V small cost. That way they would be out there in the public domain and being in electronic format may appeal to a younger wider audience.
If you price at $1.99 I'll buy 'em for my recently bought second hand kindle :).
I did consider publishing something based on my bowyers diary, but I'd need pictures which complicates it.
There doesn't seem to be much in the way of stories like that to download >:(
It the sort of thing that is fun if you really want to do it.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 06:16:43 am by Del the cat »
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Offline BrianS

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2016, 05:01:57 am »
I am a bit hesitant about sharing all of the stories as I am not a real good writer but here is the first story title "The Trail Marker Tree". Another project to record memories I recently worked on was a time capsule for our Archery Club Hawkeye Bowmen. In the capsule are photos of various members hunts, club related items and other misc. items pertaining to our time as "caretakers" of Hawkeye. It has all been sealed up and is at our clubhouse collecting dust until it is opened in the future by the next generation of members.
The Trail Marker Tree
Close to Sixty Years ago, my older brothers Mark and Karl and I spent countless hours exploring the woods, fields and creeks on Poverty Hill. For Young Boys like Us it was Heaven on Earth. One special place we discovered was a large tree that was bent in an odd shape. Even as young boys we recognized the tree as being unique among the other trees growing in the woods. We would climb up on it and pretend to be riding a horse. Little did we know back then just how special the tree would turn out to be?
Fast forward Sixty years, quite by accident it was learned that the tree is a Trail Marker tree that was formed by the hand of Man to mark a trail, a natural resource or perhaps even a sacred place. Measurements have been taken of the circumference of the base of the old Maple and based on estimates it is quite old. Remarkable it is still alive and has escaped damage from Man and Nature for a estimated Two Hundred years. Who originally shaped a Maple sapling way back in time that has grown into the large Trail Marker tree and what it marked will never be known. The Trail Marker tree stills marks a location of note, a very special place to me named Poverty Hill.

Offline Del the cat

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    • Derek Hutchison Native Wood Self Bows
Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2016, 06:15:12 am »
I understand your hesitance, but I'd just say a lot of people mistake correct grammar, spelling, punctuation etc for good writing... sure it helps, but those things should be ignored or, are easily corrected if it is felt necessary, so don't let that stuff worry you.
Good writing is (IMO) about writing as we speak, writing from the heart, and spinning a good story.
I hate "fancy writing" where people use 20 "clever" words when 2 would have done...
BTW, we can see from your posts that you can write just fine ;D
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 06:19:02 am by Del the cat »
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2016, 06:16:20 am »
Nothing wrong with your writing or story. I thought it was very interesting and if it was boring I would have fallen asleep lol. Cool bedtime story for the grandkids might have to answer questions but those little minds would be dreaming about that tree and who formed it and used it.
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Offline Buffalogobbler

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2016, 09:05:46 am »
The titles are interesting  and after reading "The Trail Marker Tree" I want to read more!

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Offline Urufu_Shinjiro

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2016, 10:49:06 am »
The titles are interesting  and after reading "The Trail Marker Tree" I want to read more!


What he said ^

Offline DC

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Re: Started writing down my memories
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2016, 11:37:53 am »
Guard them carefully and make copies. My grandfather kept a journal of his travels and adventures around the world. Mining in Texas in the 1880's(about), joined the Texas Rangers, fought in the Boer War, dredge mining in Alaska and more. I guess my parents didn't guard it well and a cousin and I colored all over it and tore it all up. I didn't learn about it until I was in my 50's. I sure would like to read it now :( :( :( :(