Does vine maple not like to take a bend? I have a well seasoned stave that needs an inch on each limb in opposite directions - I've tried heat and got maybe a quarter inch. I put the handle in a vice, used a length of stick to brace the limb near where I wanted a bit of bend. weighted the end with first 25# of weight (also tried 50#!) and slowly heated a 4-6" section. Used some bacon grease on the belly for about 6" either side of where I wanted the bend. It took a looong time before it started to move. My plan was to incrementally bend it into shape along the limb. I kept the weight on overnight. Still, that got me near nowhere.
I am now trying steam - just to see how it will take. Its barely moved again but with 50# now on the limbs, its where I want it to be -- I guess I'll see if it takes with an hour of steam on it. I'm guessing it won't.
With having so much weight, all the heating, and now the steam... my concern is for the integrity of the bow wood once I really start tillering. I never heated it past an even light brown (if even that).
Oh yeah, its floor tillered - so I don't think there's too much wood to prevent a bend. I need the alignment because I just can't keep it on the tree, it wants to flip when I start to pull - so need t get that string centered more.
Ideas? Gordon?? Joe??