Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Brush Arrow Rest

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Del the cat:
I made this brush arrow rest for my shoot through Hickory Molle' flight bow>
It really helps get a clean flight and it's all natural materials.

Lol!!! your a nut Del!!!

That's flat out awesome! 8)  You definitely want a well tuned Arrow for that baby so it doesn't hit the outside of that shelf.

  Nice job on that but I don't think it would be legal. I would like to see that change. Any kind of elevated rest is not legal.

Del the cat:
@ Badger
Legal, Smeagol (as J R R Tolkein would say) ;), I'm only doin' it for my own enjoyment, not trying for anything "official".
Yup, before I added the brush, I had two arrows smash and bruise my forearm :-[
One exploded... but I had to try again ::)... my nerves were shot for days. I tried it today, shoots sweet as a nut, but I had extra strapping on my left arm, safety glasses and a bump cap :o (true!)

Those are some bada$$ welts Del!!  All in a good days work though!


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