so since ive been told ive got alot of ocean spray in my area, i decided it would be a good idea to go out and search for the elusive bush (or should i say trigglypuff? i dont know my pokemon xD). i was wondering if any of you guys know what these are and if they are useful for anything.
for some dastardly reason i decided to pick the apparently hottest day of the summer (today >.<) to go out and do this so im soaking and need to take a shower after i post this xD.
i apoligize but for some reason the pictures are very blurry for a camera that has produced far crisper pictures before.
our first contender is an interesting plant which seems to grow in straight branching shoots (think mule deer antler), this beauty sports oval shaped leaves that are folded down the center and produces a chain of round red berries.

contestant number 2 also grows in long shoots, but as you may see it can be far bendier down near the base. you may also notice the rounded leaves which seem to slowly grow serrations which you will see much better in following pictures.

this is a few pictures of a much larger version of contestant 2, featuring the serrated leaves as well as a hella lot of dark berries

alas, my search for the elusive ocean spray lead me to one (technically 2, didnt get the last bush.) last plant that somewhat fit the bill.
this one sports bundles of white flowers and has a far more maple looking leaf.

i have one other plant to show, it appears to be some sort of bamboo?

you may ask why im having such a hard time finding the elusive ocean spray. well for starters im nowhere near the ocean (#badjokesarebad), im also not very good at this plant identification thing. and the images that i find online when looking for it arent that good >.< seems everyone only cares about one leaf and the flowers when their in full bloom so i cant see anything else.