This bow is for a young boy that lives in AZ. His grandparents live in the same town as I do and while he was back visiting he became buddies with my son. My son was showing off all his cool stuff and of course the bows came out. The boy as a natural with a bow. My son gave him his old bow to start with and then decided we should make him his own set. it is. Osage given to me by Aaron Hughes a couple years ago at MOJAM. The stave had a hidden borer hole that only left me with 43" useable wood. I shaped it and floor tillered it at this years classic and set it aside. I ended up at 42" ntn12#@18" and flings those little1/4" dowell arrows 100 yds. It's a lot of fun to shoot! Hopefully I can get this thing in the mail pretty quick, so he can enjoy it. Thanks for looking! Josh