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How-to properly hold a long bow (?)
Rattlesnake brought up a few points on one of my posts where i was concerned about wrist slap and hand shock - stating that some of this could be due to proper grip and stance. I know this is in addition to brace height, limb width, tip thickness and an assortment of other construction factors. Maybe my years of using a recurve have hidden bad form, or maybe its because a recurve requires different form to shoot well. But...
Would anyone care to post some of their personal pointers on proper grip, stance and other factors of properly shooting a long bow?
I'm sure it would be appreciated by more than just myself.
I just pic it up and shoot, as fer wrist slap its not a problem, only advice I can give is
get a consistent anchor point and don't grip the bow too hard if ya do you are probably torqueing it one way or the other.
Oh yea use the force Luke ;D
Are you making long bows from scratch? If so, then wrist slap is probably due to string problems and not bow (or grip) problems. Recurve strings don't "wobble" as much as longbow strings. I'm not an expert on this....but I think you'll need to use a lighter, less stretchy string on a longbow than you would use on a recurve. Also, your longbow might have a relatively low initial draw weight. This also would produce unexpected wrist slap.
Overall, however, I think longbows are more forgiving of bad technique than I don't think it's you. ;D
hate to disagree but a modern recurve is amde for anybody to pick up and shoot. a longbow takes some gettin used to if you have been shooting a recurve. low wrist vs high wrist. center shot vs non center. a long bow shooter needs to keep his his elbow bent a bit more. stance is definetly important if your getting wrist slap. if you are getting wrist slap open your stance along with a little more bend in the elbow. it will clear the body of the bow a little more. bracer helps also. handshock is mainly from bow design , but a tight grip doesnt help. if the shock is that bad go to a heavier shaft and remove weight from the tips of the bow. heavier string helps a bit too.
Jamie.....who said anything about "modern"? >:D
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