The camping area is flat, big and dry. Lots of shade and sun available. Tents and campers both work well. There is a shower room open 24-7 so you don't have to worry about cleaning up at 2 am after a bow building binge. There is a pot luck on Saturday that has grown to quite a feast the last few years. And I believe they sell hot dogs and/or burgers cheap for lunches. Food and eating food is NEVER a concern. Plenty of that gets shared.
As far as building bows is concerned. A portable vice or press is nice, but not needed. There is always a vice or press not being used, usually mine. Somebody always has staves for trade or sale, so you wouldn't have to haul one if you didn't want to. Take a look at some old threads from past gatherings and you can see our play area is set up nice. Plenty of light and open tables to use.
And finally, the cool cats camp out in the back field while nerds like Wirwicki camp out up ya' Matty