OO.....I'm always using FF plus.9 strands worth.3 ply my flemish twist.I saw a significant difference on my arrow spine and flight when switching from B50 on my bows.Made my bows even quieter too.Hope it helped you match those arrows up to your bows.
I was shooting with a new bow shooter at a 4th of July celebration and he was starting out with a compound of course.Carbides too of course.He could'nt believe what I had in the quiver.Tonkin,dogwood,sourwood,douglas fir,walnut etc.Some people just can't take the tougher route in arrow making or feel the need to I guess.To me it makes a person get to understand deeper yet all about archery which this site does a superb job of with the mentors on here.
Again nice job on your shafts.Looks like you've made enough to lose a few and be alright.......ha ha ha .