Here's something I whipped together on a Saturday morning to try and relearn how to tiller after being out of bowmaking for a few years. Made this one with a hatchet, knife, and a rasp. I don't plan on keeping this one. I don't like the tiller. May give it to a friend. I used the morning shadow on the ground and reflection from the screen sliding door to assess the bend.
Few stats:
64" ntn
43#@28 in
1 Layer of Linen
Cordage wrapped handle(kinda sloppy)
No Finish
Kind of an Eastern Woodlands design: Side nocks and very little width taper towards the end.

Nothing special. Sorry for the lousy pics. I really just wanted to ask a question, and pics always draw attention

I don't plan on making many bows being in this apartment, however, I'd like to make one more to hunt with. A co-worker who hunts compound is willing to take me out and show me the ropes for deer hunting, so I have a design in mind. I'm thinking a longbow for improved accuracy, backed with linen since the board i have has a bit of runoff, and a very moderate draw weight. So 70" ntn(my height), 45-50#, full compass tiller, linen backed, 1 1/4 at the handle tapering to 1/2" nocks. I'm in NM so the landscape is very open. Is this a bit overbuilt or an impractical design for hunting?