The pine marten is way farther up north of me.To check it's status googling might help.I think you'll find they are not endangered.There's none on this site that loves wildlife more than me.I've lived in the country my whole life around animals.Feed,protect,watch myself and pay into my environment through the Natural and Agricultural Departments here specifically to keep wild life intact.I am very up to date as far as the status of wildlife here in the states especially mine.Each state has it's own set of laws to keep these things in order.Annual quotas are taken by the DNR also.
A lot has been learned from mistakes in the past in the U.S.We still have quite a bit around us.Hopefully it will remain so.Some new successful introductions of native species have been made too.
Showing the tanning of a hide I hope does'nt make anyone think it's a slaughter all situation going on over here.It is'nt.
I hear it's a bit different in the UK.No hunting hardly anywhere.That is a shame.Good interaction with wildlife is the only way to learn about them.Hopefully that little fella will find a mate.
I have hides and fur all around me in my house.Always have and always will.If that offends you.You'll have to take it up with the government because I know what I'm doing here is right and legal.
Here's some fairly recent pics of just a liitle of the wildlife right by the house here.

Large and small they all get looked after.