Author Topic: Pic request for deflex handle reflex limb tiller ( tiller check please )  (Read 2554 times)

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Offline sleek

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Any one got some good pics of unbraced, braced, and drawn deflex reflex bows? Im making one and woul like some guidance.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 12:37:35 am by sleek »
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Offline JonW

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Re: Pic request for deflex handle reflex limb tiller
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2016, 08:13:52 pm »
You won't find any better than Marc's.

Offline bowmo

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Re: Pic request for deflex handle reflex limb tiller
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2016, 09:36:31 pm »

Here's a link to one of mine. There are several others in there to look at as well.

Offline sleek

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Re: Pic request for deflex handle reflex limb tiller
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2016, 12:36:17 am »

Here is my tiller. Seems all tje reflex pylled out and now its just a deflex. The reflex was natural for the most part, I hard to heat one limb to match it. Came out 48#@28.  I think I will try to put the reflex back in, but it shoots fine. Maybe I should just leave it?
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Offline hunterbob

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Tiller looks good. What's the unstrung profile look like

Offline Selfbowman

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Last ten inches to stiff . Narrow them. I don't know Lonnie Dyes web site but he builds those styles that don't take set. Good shooters also.
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Offline Selfbowman

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Also looks stiff at mid limb on the bottom. Pretty good though sleek. I am liking it. I tried a few but Lonnie can out tiller me it looks like. Mine took about 1 1/2 set which was more than the design I wanted. So I just build for set to happen . Arvin
Well I'll say!!  Osage is king!!


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Every single RD is different and pics don't help anything. The limbs need to bend evenly from the fades to where your reflex begins, no different than every other style bow. A deflexed bow is simply giving the limbs a head start on bending, evenly.  If your reflex is gone, odds are tillered too far down limb and wiped it out.
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