Ok, so without a big long story. I met a fella that lives a few blocks from me. He is a missionary and goes to Haiti about once a month. He stopped by Saturday while I was working on my trade bow and we visited for a while.
He wants to bring me back some kind of "stave" from Haiti. He said he spend most of his time in the mountainous region.
I have done some research and found that the Arawak Indians there make their bows with a decrowned back and 6feet long and 1inch wide. They are not tillered well and if pulled very far they will break. (pretty much a quote) "They are made of purple heart or letterwood, leperwood, turtle wood. " Google books, The Central Arawak.
My question to ya'll is, does anybody have an idea of any kind of bow wood that would come from Haiti's mountainous region? He said that he would bring me what ever I could find that I wanted.