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Who going to flight shoot at Bonnieville Flats in Nov


I want to go to the National flight shoot in Sept at Bonneville salt flats. I wonder any of you going to it?

Badger is normally there. I have meant to go for the past two years and haven't . It is about 90 minutes from my house, so I really don't have an excuse.

   I may have to miss it this year. My girfriend is starting treatment for cancer. I should know by the end of July.

Team Oregon will be there (about a dozen of us this time!). 

This is certainly a unique archery event held at a pretty amazing and unique location (Bonneville Salt Flats).  I certainly encourage any of you to give it a try.  If any of you are concerned about not having anything to shoot, then please contact me.  There are often extra bows and arrows looking for archers to shoot them and I am plenty happy to help arrange these connections.

Regular Flight: Friday, September 2nd & Saturday, September 3rd
Broad head Flight: Sunday, September 4th

Alan Case


--- Quote from: avcase on June 21, 2016, 01:07:44 pm ---Team Oregon will be there (about a dozen of us this time!). 

This is certainly a unique archery event held at a pretty amazing and unique location (Bonneville Salt Flats).  I certainly encourage any of you to give it a try.  If any of you are concerned about not having anything to shoot, then please contact me.  There are often extra bows and arrows looking for archers to shoot them and I am plenty happy to help arrange these connections.

Regular Flight: Friday, September 2nd & Saturday, September 3rd
Broad head Flight: Sunday, September 4th

Alan Case

--- End quote ---

Really heavy bows I love to shoot. I am stronger then last year.


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