This weekend I'm going to take some time to touch up some ground blinds at the farm incase I get some time around classes to do some hunting. I got to thinking that while I already have the saw and axe over there ide might as well harvest some bow lumber. I prefer to harvest during winter the the sap is down and moisture content is lower. And it's much more comfortable working the crosscut and axe when colder out. The main trees in the area are black and honey locust, shag bark hickory, a variety of oaks, and a LOT of cedar. This place is not that far from home, only 15 minutes and I can go over there whenever I feel like. But while there with the necessary equipment, why not. So are any, or all of these worth harvesting this time of year. Or am I better off waiting until winter. And while I'm thinking about it. With cedar branches, is it the top or bottom of the limb that is best? Many of these cedar trees are large enough to have many worth while branches that are about 4-5 feet of no split offs and 3-4" diameter. Some are larger.
Im thinking about looking for a good hickory and some cedar. Maybe a honey locust too.