Stick bender, I am not a nay sayer,, if someone has the skill to tiller with a band saw great,, I just do better with rasp,,,probably because I have used it the most,, do what works the best for you for sure,,
I am a painter,, I still just draw the subject on the canvas and paint it by hand,, whew,, just like the old days, well some guys project the image on the canvas ,, trace it and then draw it in,, some have the image digitally printed on the canvas and paint that,,,, I can probably have mine drawn before someone can set up a projector, or does a digital image,,,,because I use that skill every day,, and I find it more efficient,,,,,thats kind of the way I look at the tools,,,, I have enjoyed everyones input,, I think its all valid,, if you are having fun, or fulfilled with the bow you make,, and especially learning something,, what ever that might be,, even if it is patience and learning to respect another point of view,,,