I think you guess is wildly optimistic (but I'm quite happy to be wrong)
I'm hoping to build a flight bow soon, but I have a ton of other stuff on. I'll be happy to get over 300 yards.
Maybe if you widen the spec a tad?
a) You don't need a lower draw weight limit.
b) 48", maybe 50" max length, gives a bit more wriggle room?
c) I don't think you need a draw length limit as the bow length and weight will regulate it.
d) Clarify length... It includes any levers?
e) Dunno why you say no deflex or reflex... the other limitations surely hold it tight enough, especially if you are allowing tight recurves? (it becomes a bone of contention when does reflex become recurve?)
f) Anyone who builds one is allowed a beer
Not trying to steal your thunder, just trying to open it out to get more participants
I'll have my lawyers draw up something