Author Topic: Babies!?  (Read 2478 times)

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Re: Babies!?
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2016, 01:08:48 pm »
Henry is four months old now. He is getting better about sleeping through the night, but it isn't perfect. Sleep now. Like wizard said, take your wife out, go see a movie, even if its a bad one. Expect to get fluids in your mouth- you've got a slight advantage there with a girl, you really only need to worry about the spit up. Learn to mix up saline solution - it helps break up baby mucus and makes them sound less like tiny warthogs.  Be there, like was said before. For the first few months remember that the baby needs mom a lot more than she needs you, but mom really needs you during that time. If you arent one to cook, start getting some quick recipies under your belt now.

Henry just learned to roll over this weekend. Also learned squealing is super fun - so that's nice...

Offline Zuma

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Re: Babies!?
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2016, 01:11:32 pm »
Follow your nose and good luck >:D
Oh! remember, she is one of a kind :)
and doesn't really fit into "One size fits all" ???
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Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: Babies!?
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2016, 01:49:46 pm »
Henry is four months old now. He is getting better about sleeping through the night, but it isn't perfect. Sleep now. Like wizard said, take your wife out, go see a movie, even if its a bad one. Expect to get fluids in your mouth- you've got a slight advantage there with a girl, you really only need to worry about the spit up. Learn to mix up saline solution - it helps break up baby mucus and makes them sound less like tiny warthogs.  Be there, like was said before. For the first few months remember that the baby needs mom a lot more than she needs you, but mom really needs you during that time. If you arent one to cook, start getting some quick recipies under your belt now.

Henry just learned to roll over this weekend. Also learned squealing is super fun - so that's nice...

I was a bachelor until I was 31. I can cook. I have started taking on what I am allowed around the house. She's a tough cookie, she is hard to get to relax.
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Offline paulsemp

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Re: Babies!?
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2016, 02:06:13 pm »
I tell everyone this who has infants.... when my second daughter was 9 months old she went in her diaper I put her up to change her. She threw an absolute fit and started screaming because I was taking her away from the toys she was playing with. Don't know if you've ever seen an infant cry at the top of their lungs but you'll almost be waiting for them to take a breath. Well my daughter emptied her lungs and turned ice blue within about 15 seconds. I do not know how to explain the fear of watching your infant turn blue. All things start running through my head did she have something in her mouth she's choking on what could this possibly be. At about 20 seconds she passed out. Few seconds later she started breathing normally and got her color back. We talked to the pediatrician about it and they said it's actually a normal thing and the body's response is to pass out to relax the muscles to allow the body to breathe. Hard for me to explain in words about this but I wish they would have told us in the beginning that this was something that can happen

Best thing you can do in an emergency is keep your calm. My wife was flipping out when it happened and after she started breathing and we knew everything was okay I yelled at her and told her you cry afterwards don't you dare freak out when you're needed

Have fun!!

Offline Ed Brooks

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Re: Babies!?
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2016, 02:30:02 pm »
Congrats! run out and get her a new fishing pole, a rifle. She will can be one of your hunting partner for life. Ed
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Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: Babies!?
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2016, 02:37:20 pm »
Congrats! run out and get her a new fishing pole, a rifle. She will can be one of your hunting partner for life. Ed

She may already have a few fishing poles...  :o My wife has 7, I have about 15, but only 4 in the truck. My wife always gives me a hard time when I look at a new one. Now I just go alone.  >:D

Paul, my nephew was one of those kids. We would just hold him and talk him through it. Once he was out it was business as usual.
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Offline jeffp51

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Re: Babies!?
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2016, 03:55:04 pm »
I like the Goat's advice.  It is really hard on the mother, and you couldn't pay me enough to give birth--I am not that tough--but don't discount how hard it will be on you too.  It took us 6 years of trying before our first arrived, so I got used to it being the two of us.  After kids, everything changes.  Sometimes I miss when it was just the two of us.  But my boys are awesome and I would never go back.  Do make time for the two of you, though, even  when it is hard.