A few months ago, one of my neighbors did some trimming on his apple tree and I wound up with four billets. This bow is from the two narrower branches. It's 68" tip to tip and came in at 40# @ 27", about 5 pounds lighter than I was aiming for. Did a little too much rasping under one of the knot humps and the rest of my tillering was all playing catch up to that weak spot. I have some light arrows that shoot nice through it, though. I was hoping to keep the limbs a little wider, but the most I could get was 1 1/2". I added a piece of maple to the handle to get enough thickness and wrapped it with cherry bark. The underlays at the tips are cherry bark, too.
This is the first bow I've made from apple and I really like the wood. It reminds me of maple. Hope to make another one this fall with the other set.
Thanks again to the guys who gave me sealing and drying advice.