having the right tools makes a world of difference.
PM me your address and i'll make and send you some annealed copper bits that you can install into any hardwood branch. these won't bend like plain copper wire bends while pressure flaking.
like this (note the length of the bare bit):
drilled a hole in the other end and sunk it down with some fer-l-tite hot melt adhesive (i didn't have the right size bit, hah hah):
when it gets dull, you just lightly hammer the tip back into the shape you want.
if you don't have an anvil (i don't), just use another hammer as an anvil.
^^ that's a gifted branch from an orange tree and it works really well. thanks, Thunder!
you can also, install them into a 16"-18" x 1" dowel (oak) to make an ishi stick (google it).