ok,, I have fixed some bows that went for 1000s of shots with" substandard procedures"( I did splice a new limb on a broken bow for a friend it shoots great)
I am not sure if your fix will work,, I have had success with sinew backing that section of bow,, you would have to redo the snake skin, but I would give the sinew a try if your patch does not work,,your archer friend sounds like a friend I had in Tenn,, I know he appreciates your effort,,

I will donate sinew if you need some,, also,, some bows do break even when made correctly,, and on a positive note,, I killed a deer last year with a bow that cracked across the back,, that was in october and I am still shooting it,, I always tried to fix everything for the last 30 years,,,, so I am pretty good at it now,,

I can fix any bow,, even if I have to replace both limbs