Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Warbow Flight Arrows?

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  Del, as for spine you are correct in that you can get by with much lower spine. If you use the rule of thumb method it will give you a rough idea. Suppose you start with a 30 arrow at 120#. Add 5# for each 1" past 28". So now you have 130#. Subtract 5# for each 1/8" before center shot. so subtract about 25# now at 105#. Subtract 5# for each 25 grains of point weight Lower than 125 grains. So if you have a 25 grain point subtract another 20#. Now at 85#. Because of the light mass of the arrow likey 75# would work fine.

Del the cat:
Wow that's cool :)
Thanks for that rule of thumb. I'll copy it into my bows stuff document folder :)
PS. I copied it and also wrote it out as an equation ::) it reads much better in words!


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