Author Topic: question on bamboo backed locust  (Read 1757 times)

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Offline timmyd

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question on bamboo backed locust
« on: May 11, 2016, 11:35:24 am »
just wondering if anyone has success using a bamboo backing on locust? From my reading, it seems that locust is prone to chrysal on the belly so I'm wondering if its feasible to use bamboo as a backing? it seems it would overpower it. I have cut some locust and some of the staves have thin rings and I was thinking of maybe glueing a bamboo backing on one and see how it turns out.

Offline dantolin

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Re: question on bamboo backed locust
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2016, 03:52:53 pm »
I never did one, but Dean Torges mentions that combo on his video. I would try it :)

Offline JonW

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Re: question on bamboo backed locust
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2016, 05:00:34 pm »
I have never tried it. I do know someone who does it on a regular basis. I have shot several of them. I think it's a nice combo. Boo needs to be thin.

Offline RBLusthaus

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Re: question on bamboo backed locust
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2016, 06:03:36 pm »
I have not tried it, and I make a lot of BL bows.   I have only backed BL with rawhide and find that combo to be great.  Since BL is so strong in tension to begin with, not sure why you would bother with a boo backing.  Seems like you are asking for belly trouble.  As it is, I usually trap the back of all my BL bows, or else the belly frets.   Please let us know how it turns out - - always looking for new ideas.  If you do decide to give it a go, definitely go with a very thin boo backing - thinner than an eighth, I would think - or just use raw hide . . . .


Offline timmyd

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Re: question on bamboo backed locust
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2016, 10:05:35 pm »
only reason I was asking was some of the staves that I have are thin ringed ...I'll definitely give the rawhide a try. Thanks all