Author Topic: Very thinn rings on Osage stave. Finished Bow!! Sinew Backing, retillered!  (Read 15381 times)

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Offline lebhuntfish

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Re: Very thinn rings on Osage stave. Finished Bow!! (new pict.)
« Reply #45 on: April 16, 2016, 11:46:56 pm »
If that was in the bow of the month, I would definitely be voting for it!

Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout!

Missouri, where all the best wood is! Well maybe not the straightest!

Building a bow has been the most rewarding, peaceful, and frustrating things I have ever made with my own two hands!

Offline Parnell

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Re: Very thinn rings on Osage stave. Finished Bow!! (new pict.)
« Reply #46 on: April 17, 2016, 08:55:53 am »
That turned out very nice!

Offline Redhand

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Re: Very thinn rings on Osage stave. Finished Bow!! (new pict.)
« Reply #47 on: April 17, 2016, 09:25:54 am »
That is a sweet bow. I like the profile of a it when braced. Congrats!
Northern Ute

Offline Weylin

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Re: Very thinn rings on Osage stave. Finished Bow!! (new pict.)
« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2016, 04:49:09 pm »
You pulled that one off with style. Nice job! Hope to see it in the Bow of the Month!

Offline akila

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Re: Very thinn rings on Osage stave. Finished Bow!! (new pict.)
« Reply #49 on: April 17, 2016, 06:30:12 pm »
Hi guys, unfortunatly the wonder last only 2 days :-\. Today, i wanted to shoot the bow again, and i did, and after 20 arrows or so, i'v heard ''the noise'' that nobody wants to hear..a small ''crack'', and  i was thinking, ohhhh no..this cannot be...i took the string of, and went directly to the upper limb, becose with that limb i had alot of trouble, and i descovered a small pin knot,  reaaaaly small..3mm big or so, had give up..a small crack, maybe 2mm long, unfortunatly perpendicular on the grain..i was afraid ofcours to shoot the bow further, and this evening, i'v decided to try to save it, so i'v sinewed the bow..i realy hope that this will work.
Aboute that small pin knot...i dont know what to say..maybe i should have leave some extra material on top..i will definitely do this if i will encounter a thinn ring stave again. I also think that, the width of that specific limb was not enugh, for this specific stave..unfortunatly, those 2 big long cracks, made it unpossibile to have more material to work with...the lower limb has actualy more pin knots, and funny things on it, but it was perfectly fine. I had more material, and i left the lower limb  little wider. Aniway, in a month or so, i will be able to shoot the bow again. Its realy frustrating whenn something like this is happening...i was realy working aloooot on this piece of wood  :(. Aniway, maybe the batle is not lost yet :). We will see..thank for all your nice words...i dont think i can post bows in the Bow of the month category..i dont have a subscription on PA, and as far as i know, in order to have the right to participate to the Bow of the month, you need to have a subscription.
Best regards..Ciprian

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Very thinn rings on Osage stave. Finished Bow!! (new pict.)
« Reply #50 on: April 17, 2016, 09:37:11 pm »
  Your bows developed a stress crack and the start of a hange. Like'ly your tillering.

  You can't really fix it other than retillering, lighting up you bow likely way to light.

Offline crooketarrow

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Re: Very thinn rings on Osage stave. Finished Bow!! (new pict.)
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2016, 09:52:36 pm »
  As far as your bow stave having thin rings. If it's osage normally I'll use the ring right under the sap wood.

  If I can't use that ring. Unless there's a nice ring close, then I'll chase a ring. But I won't, because  I've made 4 osage bows with rings to close to follow a ring. I just buld the bow untill your ready to tiller. Then I barnish the back. 3,4 mornings I'll barnish ,rebarnish some more. I do it as hard as I can. I use a beer bottle.

  If your thinking of staining or drying to it before you barnish. Next I just finish it up like any other bow.

  I've never back any of these bows anymore than snake skins. With osage I like to finish with spray polly and let nature take it course. And it'll get that burn't orange with age.

Offline akila

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Re: Very thinn rings on Osage stave. Finished Bow!! (new pict.)
« Reply #52 on: May 06, 2016, 02:56:36 pm »
Hi  i said on my last post, that i will try to sinew the bow to save it, did is what i did, and here is the bow. The final weight is 40lbs @ 28''. I'v wached the picture of the  Bow at full draw, before i had the problem with that pin knot giving up, and i'v noticed a small flat area exactly in the midle of the limb, and this was  making the limb bending to much on the outer part, and i think this was the problem that caused that pin knot to give up. I'v sanded that area, until that small crack was gone..becose the rings are so thinn, ofcurs that the back apeared imediatly as violated arround that knot, but honestly i dont think that this is a huge problem when it comes aboute staves with rings that are so tight..i remember at a certain point i made a bow out of black locust, for my brother, and i encounter the same problem...incredibile tight rings, and at that time i was just a beginner, and i remeber that i had a small area where the back was violated, and the bow is in perfect condition even today..the bow was light tough..36-37lbs@28''. Aniway, i think its possibile to get away with a violated back, if the rings are very very thinn. So here are the pictures with the bow right now. I still want to wrap the handle in leather,  and i need to make proper string. In the pict. its the tiller string. The bow feels much faster right now. The final mass right now is, 590grams, so only 40grams  extra weight, but the bow pulls also more with 2lbs, so i think its a fair winn situation.

After shooting the bow, the tips are still 8cm reflexed, and after an hour or so, it goes back to 10cm. Before adding the sinew backing, the bow never went back to the initial reflex that the stave had. Now the sinew pulls back the wood to his initial form. Again, the time will tell if this bow will become a real shooter, or not. I hope he will be a shooter :). Thanks again for all your help.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 04:52:36 am by akila »

Offline lebhuntfish

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Looks good buddy! Nice save!
That dude will be 45lbs by the end of the summer, once that sinew cures for a while longer. My first bow was sinew backed and after 6 months it was 34lbs at 27in now it's 41lbs at 27in.

Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout!

Missouri, where all the best wood is! Well maybe not the straightest!

Building a bow has been the most rewarding, peaceful, and frustrating things I have ever made with my own two hands!

Offline akila

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Honestly i hope he will not gain more has only one layer of sinew. I wouldnt want to over stress the belly, with those thinn rings that this stave had...

Offline bradsmith2010

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looks very nice, congrats on your bow

Offline PatM

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 Well I'll be...

Offline akila

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Ups..sorry, pictures are back :).

Offline dantolin

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Love this bow!! Congrats!!