I think the cured wood will make a better bow,, but I can not prove that, I made lots of good shooting bows from wood that was just dry,,not cured,, so I don't know,, but a just dry bow, not cured,, will for sure kill a deer just as good as any bow,, just depends on what our end goal is,,,just like a bow that follows the string and shoots a little slow, can make a great hunting bow,, maybe you have to pull a little extra weight to get the cast you want, but the deer will not know the difference ,, or really a target for that matter,,,, so it just depends on what you want and what your definition of good or great bow is,,,, I have a sinew bow I cracked when first bracing,, the tiller is off and I had to patch it,, its not a great bow,, but it shoots the best for me of all my bows,, I killed a deer with it last year,, if I posted it here people would want to cook hot dogs with it,,

,,,,its not the best bow I have ever made,, but it works the best,, hmmmmmm,, bow making can be infinitely interesting,,