If your not willing to wait for your stave to dry natural'ly. Put it in a hot bow as low heat as possable then crack the bow lead open a 1/2 inch. Do it SLOW, Do it to fast you'll get water (wind checks)related checks from water leaving to fast.
I use the ring right under the sap wood or all Osage. Even if I have nicer rings lower down. Being you've cut it down so low remmber now If you want to chace a ring lower down from the back. You already cut your stave down. Now chacing a lower ring, Now only makeing your cut down stave even thinner yet.
My advice is next time you get a green any stave. Don't cut it down leave it to dry naturally. Rasp on somthing else untill your staves seasoned.
If you can't wait then build you a hot box.