Author Topic: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom  (Read 10357 times)

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Offline Agincourtwarbow

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(Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« on: June 05, 2016, 10:37:42 am »
Hello everyone, If you feel so inclined please check out this video I just posted from my recent trip down to Michigan where I spent some time with my good mate Karl Malmstrom to learn how he forges Tudor Bodkins (Arrowheads) His workmanship is superb. It was an absolute pleasure to film this and put it together, I hope that it will give a brief overview of how Karl forges these arrowheads with comparisons to manuscripts and carvings. Plus I get to test shoot them at the end!

You can find Karl's work on the CWBS website under:


Ruddy Darter

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2016, 03:34:54 pm »
Awesome video Jake! Very well put together  8).

What a great experience to have, great craftsmanship and wonderful Tudor bodkins, nothing quite like seeing it done first hand and no doubt superb memories to treasure.
Thanks for sharing,

 Ruddy Darter
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 04:08:54 pm by Ruddy Darter »

Online paulsemp

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2016, 04:12:10 pm »
I met you guys at Marshall this year I was the one working on that yew longbow and kept bugging you guys for advice. Very nice video. Was a pleasure to meet all of you

Offline Agincourtwarbow

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2016, 06:06:08 pm »
Thanks Ruddy, very glad you enjoyed it. It was an absolute pleasure to shoot (in both ways) and a fantastic experience. I am pleased to have had the opportunity to learn and to share Karl's work as he's too much of a modest bugger to do it himself!

Was brilliant meeting you Paul! Thanks for introducing yourself. How did that fine bow turn out? I never got to see you shoot it. It was a pleasure to see it come into shape. No bugging at all done mate.

Offline The Viking

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2016, 07:04:45 pm »
Thanks Paul, A pleasure to meet you and what ever help I was able to give was my pleasure also. Thanks for watching Jake's video, was fun making it. See you again.   Karl

Offline WillS

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2016, 07:37:21 am »
Great vid as always from Jake, and nice to see the process start to finish!

Karl - is there a reason the socket isn't heated to white before placing in the swage?  It seems cherry red takes a hell of a lot more beating to get it into the final shape, whereas white would take a couple of light taps.

Ruddy Darter

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2016, 05:23:01 pm »
I don't know WillS, after doing all the other work that would be my favourite bit, giving them each a hefty wack or two would be a real treat. It would be a bit of an anticlimax to end it all with a tink tink  :D, ..and you get blacksmith's arms with a little workout like that I reckon. >:D

Ruddy Darter.( I know squadilly dit about forging I should add,)
« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 05:32:54 pm by Ruddy Darter »

Offline Ian.

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2016, 07:19:06 am »
Excellent video Jake
ALways happy to help anyone get into heavy weight archery:

Offline WillS

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2016, 09:29:34 am »
It's all about efficiency Darran!  Can't make thousands of them quickly if each one takes 9 hits ;)

I've been playing with these recently, and speaking to people like Milos and Jeremy the general consensus seems to be get it white and press, turn, press and you're done.

I suppose one major downside is that by the time you've got the bar white the socket is in danger of melting as its so thin.  Balancing act I suppose, just like forging any heads.

Online paulsemp

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2016, 10:11:43 am »
Thanks Ruddy, very glad you enjoyed it. It was an absolute pleasure to shoot (in both ways) and a fantastic experience. I am pleased to have had the opportunity to learn and to share Karl's work as he's too much of a modest bugger to do it himself!

Was brilliant meeting you Paul! Thanks for introducing yourself. How did that fine bow turn out? I never got to see you shoot it. It was a pleasure to see it come into shape. No bugging at all done mate.

Haven't had any time to work on it since I got back. A few of us shot it at marshall and seems to be performing quite well. I'll post pics in a few weeks when it's done

Ruddy Darter

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2016, 10:31:27 am »
It's all about efficiency Darran!  Can't make thousands of them quickly if each one takes 9 hits ;)

I've been playing with these recently, and speaking to people like Milos and Jeremy the general consensus seems to be get it white and press, turn, press and you're done.

I suppose one major downside is that by the time you've got the bar white the socket is in danger of melting as its so thin.  Balancing act I suppose, just like forging any heads.

Fair comment WillS, no doubt your knowledge exceeds mine, but until you're having to make thousands that looks like jolly good fun to me...please don't take it it away :-\, and if your tag is Viking you got to give it large with the hammer if just to honour Thor  :D,

 Ruddy Darter.

Offline Agincourtwarbow

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2016, 10:39:38 am »
Thanks Will and Ian, I hope to make more such videos. I think Karl will be keen to read this, I'm not sure as to why he has it that colour. Might quicken up the process for him. Though i'm sure he revels at the opportunity to thump steel with a hammer, he's wonderfully mental like that!

Haven't had any time to work on it since I got back. A few of us shot it at marshall and seems to be performing quite well. I'll post pics in a few weeks when it's done

Glad to hear it Paul, I look forward in seeing some photos my man.

Offline WillS

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2016, 12:05:01 pm »
There's no doubt hitting hot stuff with heavy things wins every time.

I really like Karl's heads, they're just different enough to be unusual, and yet still look perfect compared to historical artwork!

Offline DC

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Re: (Video) Forging Tudor Bodkins with Karl Malmstrom
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2016, 03:35:01 pm »
I'm just amazed that he can work in that tiny little shed. There's no headroom. He must be very organized :D :D