I exercise a lot, walking and going to the gym, my walking takes place on some TVA property that has been developed into a public walking trail through the woods, down by the Tennessee river and back to the parking lot. They have made some new hiking trails in the last couple of years, one that parallels the river and is loaded with old osage trees.
One huge osage tree, uprooted but still living, was blocking the new trail. Being an osage hound I tracked down the caretaker and told him if they ever cut the tree out of the trail I would like to have it, he gave me an OK.
Now, I need more osage like a need another hole in my head, I have a lifetime supply stockpiled but cringe at the thought of an osage tree going to waste. A few weeks ago they cut the tree out of the trail. I checked with the caretaker again and he said go get it.
I mentioned the tree to my bow making friend Darin and he said he would like to have it.
I directed Darin to the tree, he went after it this morning, he even got some help from some workers on site to help him get the logs out. The logs are from the top, the base, at least 30" in diameter was a twisted mass of unusable wood.