I've been working on a bow for my niece. She is a pretty special girl so I wanted to make her something cool. I have a couple of messed up bows that came in under weight from a friend. He knows I make a few kids bows so he gave them to me.
Long story short, I worked this one down to a nice reflex deflex. Got it lined up and tillered to 25@24. It was shooting really good and quite fast for a light weight bow.
This evening I was shooting it some and after I put an estimated total of 150 arrows through it I wanted to check the draw weight again. I put my marked arrow on and hooked my scale. Pulled it to 24 Inches and it was 25lbs on the nose. At that moment it exploded....
I was to the point of putting a python skin on it tomorrow since it was supposed to rain.
Do you guys think this is a grain violation? That's what I'm thinking.