Hi, thanks to everyone who answered my last question about cracks on the side of the bow from the arrow hitting it. I learned a lot about spine! I made a new arrow and shot it with just the head (no feathers) first. When I didn't reach full draw the back stuck out to the left in my target indicating it was too stiff, when I shot it at full draw it went straight in. After that I fletched it and am waiting to seal and shoot it. However it still made some new cracks on the side of the bow. I sanded them out and am going to wrap the handle before shooting more. Any thoughts on other possible causes of the cracks from the arrow?
Also, The arrow is some kind of shoot, 7/16 in the middle, 3/8 at the ends, 1/2 at nock. Arrowhead is forged from an old square file. Feathers are turkey, 3/8 high 7in long.