Author Topic: Speed... Curiosity only  (Read 13188 times)

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Offline Stick Bender

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Re: Speed... Curiosity only
« Reply #60 on: April 05, 2016, 04:24:39 am »
Thinking in a primitive way I cant help thinking theres so much more to this then just speed like caliber of the broad head , thats why some american Indian tribes adjusted there broad head size to the bows power (speed) & adjusting arrow flight so the momentum is in line with the broad head , at the end of the hunt its what works for you & your bow just a thought !
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Offline paco664

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  • ok,ok.. i might have done it...
Re: Speed... Curiosity only
« Reply #61 on: April 06, 2016, 02:10:01 am »
i am nowhere near as skilled or mathematically edjumacated as the majority of you guys...


the arrow your bow shoots most consistently and accurately coupled with the absolute sharpest broadhead you can hone on the pointy end is the best combo for hunting...  a deer/elk/bear/squirrel/chicken doesn't know the difference between a 450g arrow @ 193fps or a 700gr arrow at 125fps...   if you stick said arrow thru said aminals boiler room... it don't matter...

just my humble opinion...
I'm too drunk to taste this chicken"~Col.H.Sanders