Well, started working on an atlatl this weekend. I managed to get a couple of darts made, but still have to make the foreshafts (I just made some temps with some dowels I had). The wood is actually a cutting off a Fire Bush I trimmed back a couple of weeks ago. It seemed to be the right shape and size so figured I'd give it a try (never used this type of wood before, so it's a bit of an unknown for me). The bamboo shafts I picked up at Lowes. Pretty snakey at first, but a little time with the heat gun did the trick.
Hoping to finish it up after work sometime during the week and get to slinging some darts this weekend. Only thing left to do, really, is to install the spur and apply the finger loops.
Also started working on some bone points as well. Anyways, thanks for having me on board!