Had to go to Ottawa last week so that my wife could take care of some family business. I took the opportunity to go to a spot I know that has a lot of wild Plum. The spot is fairly secluded so cutting a couple small trees here and there does no harm and since the area is part of an Algonquin land claim I feel entitled

. I was shocked to see what they had done to the area. Somebody came in with large machines and flattened most of the area, what a mess and what a crime. There were some nice Plum trees in there. I did find a couple nice ones to harvest though

The bigger one is about 4" at the butt, 6' long and clean on 2 sides. The other is about 2.5" at the butt and clean on 1 side, that one should be good for a longbow of some kind. There was one I found that was about 7" in diameter and it was very nice but I just didn't have what I needed to tackle that one, my little bucksaw would not have worked in this case.