Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

measuring flight shooting distance with google earth (and arrow discussion)

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This seems to be the missing link:


I made a simple bamboo flight arrow a number of years ago and it would reliably travel a good deal farther with a small point in place.

Yes Redhawk - that is it! Now I can print a new copy off, my old one is barely decipherable now.
I strongly recommend reading Sarachen Archery and its section on flight arrows. The center of pressure is a concept I never even thought about until reading that chapter.
What's your point Pat? Of course you need some weight - its all about tuning the various factors involved. One thing does not a flight arrow make ;) The whole has to be right. When I said 'lose the point weight' it would have been more correct to say 'reduce the point weight significantly compared to a regular target arrow'. Joachim  mentions carbon arrows, regular arrows and barrelling hence my comment on 'losing the point weight'. Those carbon x10's are winning everything in target shooting and they are barrelled. I'd quite like to buy some as practise flight arrows if they are light....but they are £30 each per shaft, £360/512$ per dozen phew!


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